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IPA Certification Requirements for
Primal Integration Educators

Phase 1: Preparation

  1. Those persons who desire to be certified by the IPA must select a minimum of 5 persons to be their personal Support Group. The Support Group should include persons (not necessarily members of the IPA) who the Applicant trusts and who will help them throughout the Certification Process.
  2. The Applicant applies, in writing, to the Chairperson of the Certification Committee, including the names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of the Applicant's Support Group. The application fee is $200.
  3. The Chairperson of the Certification Committee sends the Applicant the paperwork or "kit" necessary to complete the IPA Certification.
  4. A Review Panel is formed to evaluate the applicant. The Review Panel consists of three members of the Certification Committee, to be selected as follows: the Applicant selects two members, and the Certification Committee selects one member.
  5. The Chairperson publishes a "Notice of Intent to complete requirements for Certification" in the IPA Newsletter. The notice will include the Applicant's name and address and the names, addresses, emails addresses, and phone numbers of the persons on the Applicant's Review Panel. The notice will also include a request for comments on the Applicant and will state that the Certification Committee will hold all responses in the strictest confidence.

Phase 2: The Review Panel Evaluates the Applicant

The process for completing the Certification Requirements will include the following items:

  1. A review (by means of written and/or oral responses) of most areas of the Applicant's professional life. These include:
    1. The depth and breadth of the Applicant's therapeutic experience as a client, as well as the Applicant's commitment to their own ongoing therapy process.
    2. The Applicant's educational background and life experience.
    3. The Applicant's training and work, including all aspects of primal work.
    4. The Applicant's personal character including integrity, responsibility, maturity, and honesty.
    5. The Applicant's current life situation, including ongoing education and experience.
    6. The Applicant's ongoing involvement in the IPA (e.g., leading workshops, chairing or participating on committees, writing articles for the newsletter and/or the journal).
  2. An original project presented by the Applicant on some aspect of the Primal Integration Process. This project may be in any form, including written, art, music, performance, and video, and will be approved in advance by the Review Panel.
  3. Responses from IPA members to the notices in the IPA newsletter shall be evaluated.
  4. A Full Disclosure Statement provided by the Applicant, appropriate for mailing by the IPA to interested persons. This statement shall include a biography, experience, philosophy, and any other material that would be of interest to potential clients.

Phase 3: Approval Process

3A: If the Review Panel and the Certification Committee Approve the Applicant.

  1. If the Review Panel is satisfied with the Applicant, they present a report to the Certification Committee, recommending that the Applicant be certified.
  2. If the Certification Committee agrees, the Chairperson notifies the Applicant within 30 days that they have fulfilled the requirements and been approved. They will be presented with the Certificate and officially certified by the IPA as a Primal Integration Educator.
  3. At the next IPA Annual Meeting, the Applicant will be publicly recognized as having successfully fulfilled the requirements for Certification.

3B - If the Committee rejects the Applicant

  1. If the Review Panel an/or the Certification Committee is not satisfied with the Applicant, there are three potential actions:
    1. Withhold recommendation pending further information from the Applicant, the Applicant's Support Group, or any other sources.
    2. Withhold recommendation pending additional study, training, work, etc,. by the Applicant.
    3. Withhold recommendation for other reasons to be fully explained to the Applicant.
  2. The Chairperson of the Certification Committee shall notify the Applicant of this decision within 30 days.
  3. The Applicant may return to the Certification Panel twice with the requested information, additional study, etc.
  4. If the Applicant objects to the recommendation being withheld, the Applicant may appeal to the IPA Council of Elders.





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